"I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me"- Bhagat SinghBhagat Singh
a great reader and thinker was able to break the jail conditions. Officially he was not allowed for reading and writing. After long hunger strike he got the right of reading & writing included in Jail Manuals. Thus he maintained a notebook of 404 pages and kept notes & quotes from the books he read. His legacy prompted youth in India to begin fighting for Indian independence and also increased the rise of socialism in India.
Bhagat Singh was an Indian freedom fighter, most famous revolutionaries of Indian Independence Movement. He is also believed to be one of the earliest Marxists in India. The revolutionary was born on 27th September 1907 to a family, which had been earlier involved in revolutionary activities against British Raj in India. Bhagat Singh was born into a Sandhu family to Sardar Kishan Singh Sandhu and Vidyavati in the Khatkar Kalan village near Banga in the Lyallpur district of Punjab. Singh`s given name of Bhagat meant "devotee". The Hindu reformist Arya Samaj had a great influence on his father. His uncles, Ajit Singh and Swaran Singh, as well as his father were both part of the Ghadr Party led by Kartar Singh Sarabha. Ajit Singh was forced to flee to Iran because of pending cases against him while Swaran Singh was hanged.
The Jalianwala Bagh Massacre, which took place in Punjab in 1919, had a deep impact on the child mind of Bhagat Singh. In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi initiated the Non-Cooperation Movement. The teenage Bhagat at his tender age of 13 became an active participant with a great hope that Gandhi would bring freedom in India. But the little Bhagat was disappointed with Gandhiji`s decision to call off this movement following the `Chauri Chaura` riot in 1922. Bhagat Singh openly defied the British and followed Gandhi`s wishes by burning his government-school books and any British-imported clothing.
The attention of members of the Punjab Hindi Sahitya Sammelan including its General Secretary Professor Bhim Sen Vidyalanka moved towards Bhagat Singh in 1923 when Bhagat famously won an essay competition set by the Punjab Hindi Sahitya Sammelan. At this age At this age, he quoted famous Punjabi literature and discussed the "Problems of the Punjab". He read a lot of poetry and literature which was written by Punjabi writers and his favourite poet was an Indian freedom fighter Allama Iqbal from Sialkot.
In his teenage years, Bhagat Singh started studying at the National College in Lahore, but ran away from home to escape early marriage, and became a member of the organization "Naujawan Bharat Sabha" translated to `Youth Society of India`. In the Naujawan Bharat Sabha, Singh and his fellow revolutionaries grew popular amongst the youth. He also joined the `Hindustan Republican Association` at the request of Professor Vidyalankar, which was then headed by Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan. He also wrote for and edited Urdu and Punjabi newspapers published from Amritsar. A meeting of various revolutionaries from across India was called at Delhi under the banner of the "Kirti Kissan Party" in September 1928. Bhagat Singh was the secretary of the meet. His later revolutionary activities were carried out as a leader of this association. The capture and hanging of the main HRA Leaders also allowed him and Sukhdev to be quickly promoted to higher ranks in the party.
On October 30 1928, Lala Lajpat Rai led the protest in a silent non-violent march against the commission, which was created by the British government under Sir John Simon to report on the current political situation in India. The police responded with violence and Lala Lajpat Rai severely beaten by the police chief. Bhagat Singh eyewitnessed this event and vowed to take revange. With other revolutionaries Shivaram Rajguru, Jai Gopal and Sukhdev Thapar he joined in a plot to kill the police chief. Jai Gopal was supposed to indentify the chief and signal for Singh to shoot. However, in a case of mistaken identity, Gopal signalled Singh on the appearance of J. P. Saunders, a Deputy Superintendent of Police. Thus, Saunders, instead of Scott, was shot. He quickly left Lahore to escape the police. To avoid recognition, he shaved his beard and cut his hair, a violation of one of the sacred tenets of Sikhism.
The British government enacted the Defence of India Act to give more power to the police, in the face of actions by the revolutionaries. The purpose of the Act was to combat revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh. The Act was defeated in the council only by one vote. In response to this act, the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association planned to explode a bomb in the assembly where the ordinance was going to be passed. It was decided that Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt, another revolutionary, would throw the bombs in the assembly. On April 8, 1929, Singh and Dutt threw bombs onto the corridors of the assembly and shouted "Inquilab Zindabad!" ("Long Live the Revolution!"). This was followed by a shower of leaflets stating that it takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear. The bomb neither killed nor injured anyone. Singh and Dutt gave themselves up for arrest after the bomb. He and Dutt were sentenced to `Transportation for Life` for the bombing on June 12, 1929.
After his arrest, the British came to know of his involvement in the murder case of J.P.Saunders. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were charged with the murder. Intelligent Bhagat Singh did not missed a fraction of time to use the court as a tool to publicize his cause for the independence of India. He admitted to the murder and made statements against the British rule during the trial. The case was ordered to be carried out without members of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association present at the hearing. This created an uproar amongst Singh`s supporters as he could no longer publicise his views.
This revolutionary young man with other prisoners launched a hunger strke in the jail. The reason was that British murderers and thieves were treated better than the Indian political prisoners as they were meant to be given better rights by law. They were advocating for the rights of prisoners and undertrails, a decent standard of food as well as better clothing and other hygienic necessities. He also demanded that political prisoners should not be forced to do any labour or undignified work. This hunger strike lasted for 63 days and ended with the submission of British power to an overpowering force, Bhagat Singh,with this he gained much popularity among the common Indians. Before the strike his popularity was limited mainly to the Punjab region.
Bhagat Singh used to maintain diary while in jail . Eventually he made to fill 404 pages. The diary was a precious one as he made numerous notes relating to the quotations and popular sayings of various people whose vies he supported, prominent were of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Political thought of Bhagat Singh`s evolved gradually from Gandhian nationalism to revolutionary Marxism. By the end of 1928, he and his comrades renamed their organization the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. After going through the teachings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin he came to believe that, India with such a large and diverse population could only survive properly under a socialist regime. These ideals had been introduced to him during his time at the National College at Lahore and he believed that India should re-enact the Russian revolution. He believed that the rich would only get richer and the poor would only get poorer in the case if India did not adopt the socialistic approach. This, and his militant methods, put him at odds with Gandhi and members of the Congress. He became the first socialist leader in India to make any gain. Even today, socialist leaders sometimes refer back to him as the founder of Indian socialism.
To him "The aim of life is no more to control mind, but to develop it harmoniously, not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below, and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in-the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment democracy or universal brotherhod can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity in the social, political and individual life." The comments in his diary led to an understanding of the philosophical thinking of Bhagat Singh. He wrote a pamphlet entitled "Why I am an Atheist" in which he discusses and advocates the philosophy of atheism during his time in a condemned cell in 1931. This pamphlet was a result of some criticism by fellow revolutionaries on his failure to acknowledge religion and God while in a condemned cell. He was also being accused of vanity by not accepting God in the face of death. He supported his own beliefs and claimed that he used to be a firm believer in The Almighty, but could not bring himself to believe the myths and beliefs that others held close to their hearts. In this pamphlet, he acknowledged the fact that religion made death easier, but also said that unproved philosophy is a sign of human weakness.
Bhagat Singh was known for his appreciation of martyrdom. His mentor as a young boy was Kartar Singh Sarabha, an Indian freedom fighter and a leading luminary of the Ghadar Party. Singh is himself considered a martyr by many Indians for acting to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai, also considered a martyr. In the leaflet he threw in the Central Assembly on 8th April 1929, he stated that `It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill the ideas. Great empires crumbled while the ideas survived`. After engaging in studies on the Russian Revolution, he wanted to die so that his death would inspire the youth of India to unite and fight the British Empire. While in prison, Bhagat Singh and two others had written a letter to the Viceroy asking him to treat them as prisoners of war and hence to execute them by firing squad and not by hanging. Prannath Mehta, Bhagat Singh`s friend, visited him in the jail on March 20, four days before his execution, with a draft letter for clemency, but he declined to sign it.
After his hanging, youths in regions around Northern India rioted in protest against the British Raj. Thus Bhagat Singh`s desire to inspire thousands of youths to assist the Indian independence movement. Bhagat Singh`s contribution to Indian society in particular is sown in the future of socialism in India acknowledged by The Communist Party of India (Marxist) itself. To celebrate the centenary of his birth, a group of intellectuals have set up an institution to commemorate Singh and his ideals. Several popular Bollywood films have been made capturing the life and times of Bhagat Singh. The oldest was "Shaheed" in 1965, starring Manoj Kumar as Singh. Two major films about Singh were released in 2002, "23rd March 1931: Shaheed" and "The Legend of Bhagat Singh". The patriotic Urdu and Hindi songs, "Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna "(translated as "the desire to sacrifice") and "Mera Rang De Basanti Chola" ("my saffron-colored cloak"; saffron referring to the Sikh color of sacrifice), while created by Ram Prasad Bismil, are largely associated to Bhagat Singh`s martyrdom.
This legendary martyr Bhagat Singh is often been accused of being too eager to die, as opposed to staying alive and continuing his movement. Some lament that he may have done much more for India had he stayed alive. Ajay Ghosh was one of the close comrade and co-accused in the Lahore conspiracy case. In his word "Like a meteor, Bhagat Singh appeared in the political sky for a brief period. Before he passed away, he had become the cynosure of millions of eyes and the symbol of the spirit and aspirations of a new India, dauntless in the face of death, determined to smash imperialist rule and raise on its ruins the edifice of a free people`s state in this great land of ours."