Monday, June 14, 2010


Hi...Bro,thanks for your invitation to write in your blog.I Had read your thoughts n m little bit disagree with your thoughts.Our govt. is trying its best,but things are just out of control.

I think we cant blame govt for everything as India is a country of 14 billion peoples,over 5000 local languages  various religions and cultures.Govt. cant provide a security guard for every citizen as in USA,ratio of policeman and peoples is 30:1 and India it is 64:1.You can understand why there is such a big difference in security.

In India everyone is talking about his rights,his security and his favour but I hvnt seen a single person till now who is aware regarding his moral duties towards the nation.You blamed govt. for all violence going on the country,but do you know it is not possible without local support?

If some Indians are supporting these terrorists and naxals then it is the duty of every citizen of India that they should aware what is happening around themselves and inform our securities.

If Fisherman of Gujarat would helped Govt,may be 26/11 we could stop.

Everyone blames corrupt system but directly or indirectly he or she is promoting that action.

At railway stations or Cinema Halls we buy tickets in black insists of buying in standing in Que,we provide money to get a job or pass our files in govt offices or we give money to traffic police

Govt cant watch over every single person,NOW it is our duty to come forward and contribute in India's progress.

Hope things will change,but for that we have to change.Some one said-

Bas Ek hi Ulloo kafi tha barbade Gulistaan karne ko, har Shakh pe Ulloo Baitha hai anjaame Gulistaan Kya Hoga

Now we had to kill those ullus in ourselves.There is no need to change everybody just change yourself because if you change,there will be one more responsible citizen in india.Once Dushyant Kumar said-

Ho gayi hai peer parvat si pighalni chahiye

Is himalay se koi ganga nikalni chahiye

Aj yeh deewar pardo ki tareh hilne lagi

Shart lekin thi ki yeh buniyad hilni chahiye

Sirf Hungama Khada Karna mera maksad nahi

Sari koshish hai ki yeh surat badalni chahiye

Mere seene mai nahi to tere seene mai sahi

Ho kahi bhi aag lekin aag jalni chahiye.

Reply friends and give your valuable suggestions.

                                                                  JAi Hind

Y politicians wear white???

(भारत माँ का विभाजन)
अमिताभ बच्चन की मूवी पा का १ डायलोग है के Y politicians always wear white?
 अगर आप को लगता है की ये पवित्रता या सादगी या शांति  का प्रतिक है तो मुझे दुःख है मेरे दोस्त की आप गलत है. White color also reflects the sadness,our country is dyieng and all the politicians are showing there false love towards our nation.....
                                       (क्या हमारी भारत माँ की हालत कुछ ऐसी  नहीं है आज)
                                          (अहमदाबाद ब्लास्ट)
कितनी अजीब बात है न की महात्मा बुद्ध,महावीर स्वामी,मदर टेरेसा और महात्मा गाँधी का देश आज अपने ही लोगो के सामने झुक रहा है.क्या ये वही  देश है जहाँ अशोक महान ने हिंसा का रास्ता त्यागकर अहिंसा परमो धरम का प्रचार किया था.कभी आतंकवाद,कभी नक्सलवाद, कभी उल्फा तो कभी अलगाववाद और भी ना जाने क्या क्या तरीके इजाद किये है देश के दुश्मनों ने मासूम लोगो की जान लेने के.

हजारो बेगुनाह लोग रोज मारे जा रहे है और हमारी सरकार के पास शांति वार्ता के अलावा कोई हल नहीं है....
क्या ऐसा नहीं लगता के हमारी पंगु सरकार जन बुझ कर कोई कदम नहीं  उठा रही ताकि चुनाव लड़ने का १ मुद्दा ख़त्म न हो जाये.
क्यों ऐसा होता है के १ शख्स को जिसके खिलाफ लाखो सबूत है उसे अभी तक फंसी नहीं दी जा सकी है,फांसी
 तो छोडिये उसे मुजरिम साबित करने में ही इतना वक्त क्यों     लगा?अब जब फंसी की सजा मुक़र्रर हुई तो कब होगी फंसी किसी को पता नहीं.अगर फिर भी आप सरकार से संतुष्ट है तो याद कीजिये संसद हमले के  आरोपी अफजल गुरु को अभी तक फंसी नहीं हुई है.हाफिज़ सईद,अबू सलेम और डी compony के सरगनाओ का पाकिस्तान ने सबूत देने के बात भी प्रत्यर्पण नहीं किया है.हम हेडली को भूल रहे थे जिसके बारे में अमेरिका सरकार ने २ टूक शब्दों मई कहा था आ के जो सवलत करने है कर लो,उसे भारत को नहीं सौपा जायेगा.इसी लिस्ट में आप भोपाल गैस त्रासदी के आरोपी अन्देरसों को भी जोड़ सकते हो.
नक्सलवाद नाम की बीमारी को ख़त्म  करने के बजाय शांति वार्ता या बातचीत की पहेल क्यों की जा रही है बार बार?क्यों इन नक्सलियों और आतंकियों पर कोई कारवाई करने की बजाय हमारी UPA Govt  अपने भावी प्रधानमंत्री का प्रचार करने में लगी है.
अब लगता है  के फिर से बदलाव का समय आ गया है.

आप और हम मिलकर देश को बदल सकते है.कैसे?ये आप को बताना है मुझे,आपके सुझाव अनमोल है दोस्तों.

अंशुल सुरोलिया

Differance in terrorism and naxalism

There are three types of nations - underdeveloped, developing and developed. Countries like Sumatra fall under underdeveloped category, countries like the US and the China fall under developed and our India falls under developing nation. From this we have derive a point that India still has some goals to reach. It has some missions to be accomplished, in order to advance itself to the developed category. But, to achieve success is not so easy. There are many obstacles which hinder one's speed in the path of success. Similar is the case of India's development scheme. There are many problems which India faces. Although there are many like economic problem, population problem etc. but there are some more problems which India suffers from and which have proved themselves to be the top class priority demanding obstacles in order to clear the road to reach the success sooner. Not only India but the whole world today is a victim of these things, but India has proved herself to be an exception. I am sure that till now, it was not a very clear one. Let me now talk about those two things which are really very big hindrances in the path of India's success. They are Naxalism and Terrorism. What are they?

Terrorism basically means non-legitimate operations which are violent in nature and are made to kill others. Even naxalism is the same thing but what creates a difference is their positions in the nation. It is just like the external and internal type of thing. Terrorism is the violent and ill-legitimate thing which terrorizes the nation from outside and naxalism is something which engulfs the country from the inside. Today, we are no more safe as in every part of India, we are threatened, directly or indirectly and the value of our lives seems to be less in front of the political India. Decades ago, we used to think that maybe terrorists can attack from outside. Who knows? But today, day has changed brother. We are no more safe with that mentality. Today every son fears to let his father go outside in the suburbs during the night time. No one knows, we can die just the next second. Yes this was always true. We could die anytime, but today it is not because of accident, it can be naxalism or terrrorism.

Now let us talk about the problems. Which one is more danger? Terrorism or naxalism. Both are equally danger because there is no substitute for death. Death finishes the lives and leaves an impact of it in many other people's life as well. Terrorism is taken as the activities done basically by organizations such as Alquaida and Taliban. Basically the name Muslim is highlighted and Muslims suffer from this all throughout their lives. This channel continues to persist - a channel of death. Muslims are blamed by terrorism, terrorism says that it will continue that because Muslims are being tortured, again terrorism kills, and again Muslims are blamed because of terrorism. Just because of perceptions like this there have been many conflicts, which have led our people meet their creator. Besides just loss of lives, terrorism snatches many things away from our lives. One must watch the movie New York to know what it actually means, what can be the result of severity. On the other hand naxalism also stretches it's hands to our collars and it threatens the piece of our lives. The cause of terrorism may be different but the causes of naxalism are more or less always same. Why does naxalism exist. It is because of social factors like poverty, unemployment, and racial discrimination. According to an estimation, if corruption keeps persisting as it persists today then in not more than a decade about 30% of the people would have become naxalites or would be having some connection with them.

Naxalism and terrorism are something about which we fear to talk about even. It is only and only we who can change the time. Without saying much I would say that if we wish to change the times, we need to see a change in ourselves because change causes change.